Дискретная математика
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  • добавлен 28 октября 2011 г.
Albert M.H., Nowakowski R.J. Games of No Chance 3
Издательство Cambridge University Press, 2009, -586 pp.
Highlights include some of Aaron N. Siegel’s groundbreaking work on loopy games, the unveiling by Eric J. Friedman and Adam S. Landsberg of the use of renormalization to give very intriguing results about Chomp, and Teigo Nakamura’s Counting liberties in capturing races of Go. Like its predecessors, this book should be on the shelf of all serious games enthusiasts.
Playing games with algorithms: Algorithmic combinatorial game theory.
Advances in losing.
Coping with cycles.
On day n.
Goal threats, temperature, and Monte-Carlo Go.
A puzzling Hex primer.
Tigers and Goats is a draw.
Counting liberties in Go capturing races.
Backsliding Toads and Frogs.
Loopy games.
A library of eyes in Go, I: A life-and-death definition consistent with bent-4.
A library of eyes in Go, II: Monolithic eyes.
The complexity of Dyson Telescopes.
Amazons, Konane, and Cross Purposes are PSPACE-complete.
Monotonic sequence games.
The game of End-Wythoff.
On the geometry of combinatorial games: A renormalization approach.
More on the Sprague–Grundy function for Wythoff’s game.
Theory of the small.
Yellow-Brown Hackenbush.
Ordinal partizan End Nim.
Reductions of partizan games.
Partizan Splittles.
Unsolved problems in Combinatorial Games.
Bibliography of Combinatorial Games.
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