Обработка сигналов
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  • добавлен 27 июня 2011 г.
Allen G.E. Computational Process Networks: A Model and Framework for High-Throughput Signal Processing
Диссертация на phd, Университет Остин, Техас, 2011, 232 -pp.

Организация и алгоритмы высокопроизводительной параллельной обработки сигналов.

Computer System Architecture.
Concurrent Programming.
Pitfalls of Parallel Programming.
Shared Memory Model.
Message Passing Model.
Formal Models.
Kahn Process Networks.
Scheduling of Process Networks.
Synchronous Dataow.
Computation Graphs.
Computational Process Networks.
Thesis Statement and Expected Contributions.

Kahn Process Networks.
Kahn Process Networks.
Kahn's Simple Example.
Mathematical Representation.
Least Fixed Point.
Proving Kahn's Assertions for a Simple Example.
Bounded Scheduling of Process Networks.
Execution Order.
Scheduling for Boundedness.
Complete Execution with Bounded Scheduling.
Fair Processes and Scheduler.
Computation Graphs.

Deadlock Detection.
Previous Work.
D4R Algorithm.
Algorithm Description.
Algorithm Proof.
D4R Implementation.
D4R Case Studies.

Computational Process Networks.
The Semantics of CPN.
Extending Kahn's Semantics.
Zero-copy Semantics.
The Semantics of CPN.
Example: FIR Filter Using Overlap-Save FFT.
Preservation of Formal KPN Properties.
Parks' Transformation for Boundedness.
Transforming CPN to KPN.
CPN Dequeue Semantics.
CPN Enqueue Semantics.
Multi-Channel Queues.
Performance Improvements of CPN Over KPN.

Implementation of CPN Framework.
Development History and Public Release.
Describing a CPN System.
The CPN Keel.
CPN Nodes.
Creating a New Type of Node.
Instantiating a Node.
Function Nodes.
CPN Queues.
Threshold Queues.
Threshold Queue Performance.
Instantiating Queues.
Additional Queue Interfaces.
Distribution on Multiple Hosts.
Remote Context.
Remote Queues.
CPN from a Coordination Language.
CPN as an Embedded Library.

CPN Case Studies.
Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Randomly Generated Graphs.
Sonar Beamformer and Correlator.
Algorithm Description.
Target #1 Results.
Target #2 Results.

Future Work.
Improved D4R.
Distributed Scheduling and Node Migration.
Remote DMA Queues.
Node Clustering.
Distributed Framework State.
Fault Tolerance.
Additional Targets and Applications.
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