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  • добавлен 08 июля 2016 г.
Bojkov Dejan. Modernized: The King's Indian Defense
Metropolitan Chess Publishing, 2014. — 365p. — ISBN 978-0-9856281-0-9
Дебютная монография по Староиндийской защите на английском языке. Для квалифицированных шахматистов.
Grandmaster Dejan Bojkov of Bulgaria loves the King's Indian Defense. Having played it from his youth after reading Bronstein's great book on the Zurich 1953 Interzonal Touament, his love for the KID is on display throughout this volume, which is filled with creative ideas and strategies, tactics, and especially those shocking shots characteristic of the King's Indian. The lines recommended to you often involve giving up the center with ...e5xd4 and then using ...c7-c6 and eventually ...d6-d5 to break it all open at the right moment. The variations covered are: 1. The Classical Variation. 2. The Samisch Variation 3. The Four Pawns Attack 4. The Averbakh System 5. The Bagirov Line 6. The Fianchetto System Welcome to your jouey in the King's Indian Defense!