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  • добавлен 01 февраля 2012 г.
Boucquey Thierry (General Editor). Encyclopedia Of World Writers. 3 volumes
Publisher: Facts on File Inc., USA, 2005. 1442 pages (e-book). Language: English.


Encyclopedia of World Writers: Beginnings through the 13-th Century. Volume I.

Timeline of Authors and Works
Writers and Works Covered, by Geographical Area
Entries A to Z
Selected Bibliography

Encyclopedia of World Writers: 14-th through 18-th Centuries. Volume II.

Timeline of Authors and Works
Writers, Genres, and Works Covered, by Geographical Area
Entries A to Z
Selected Bibliography

Encyclopedia of World Writers: 19-th and 20-th Centuries. Volume III.

Authors’ Timeline
Writers Covered, by Geographical Area
Entries A to Z
Selected Bibliography

Cumulative Index
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