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  • добавлен 06 октября 2011 г.
Chen W.-K. (ed.) The Circuits and Filters Handbook
Издательство CRC Press, 2003, -2792 pp.
Second Edition

We are most gratified to find that the first edition of The Circuits and Filters Handbook (1995) was well received and is widely used. Thus, we feel that our original goal of providing in-depth professional level coverage of circuits and filters was, indeed, worthwhile. Eight years is a short time in terms of development of science or technology; but as this Handbook shows, momentous changes have occurred during this period, necessitating not only the updating of many chapters of the Handbook, but more startling, the addition and expansion of many topics. Significant examples are entries for design automation, circuit simulation, hardware/software co-design, and VLSI circuits to name a few of the more prominent additions.
The purpose of The Circuits and Filters Handbook is to provide in a single volume a comprehensive reference work covering the broad spectrum of electrical circuits and filters. It is written and developed for the practicing electrical engineers in industry, govement, and academia. The goal is to provide the most up-to-date information in classical fields of circuit theory, circuit components and their models, feedback circuits, nonlinear circuits, distributed circuits, active and passive filters, general circuit analysis techniques, digital filters, and analog integrated circuits, while covering the emerging fields of digital and analog VLSI circuits, computer-aided design and optimization techniques, and design automation. In addition, the necessary background in mathematics is reviewed in the first section. The Handbook is not an all-encompassing digest of everything taught within an electrical engineering curriculum on circuits and filters. Rather, it is the engineer's first choice in looking for a solution. Therefore, full references to other sources of contributions are provided. The ideal reader is a B.S. level engineer with a need for a one-source reference to keep abreast of new techniques and procedures as well as review standard practices.
The Handbook stresses fundamental theory behind professional applications. In order to do so, it is reinforced with frequent examples. Extensive development of theory and details of proofs have been omitted. The reader is assumed to have a certain degree of sophistication and experience. However, brief reviews of theories, principles, and mathematics of some subject areas are given. These reviews have been done concisely with perception. The Handbook is not a textbook replacement, but rather a reinforcement and reminder of material leaed as a student. Therefore, important advancement and traditional as well as innovative practices are included. Since the majority of professional electrical engineers graduated before powerful personal computers were widely available, many computational and design methods may be new to them. Therefore, computers and software use is thoroughly covered. The handbook uses not only traditional references to cite sources for the contributions, it also contains relevant sources of information and tools that will assist the engineer in performing his/her job. This includes sources of software, databases, standards, seminars, conferences, etc.
Over the years, the fundamentals of electrical circuits and filters have evolved to include a wide range of topics and a broad range of practice. To encompass such a wide range of knowledge, the Handbook focuses on the key concepts, models, and equations that enable the electrical engineer to analyze, design, and predict the behavior of large-scale circuits, devices, filters, and systems. While design formulas and tables are listed, emphasis is placed on the key concepts and theories underlying the applications. The information is organized into 13 major sections, which encompass the field of electrical circuits and filters. Each section is divided into chapters. In all there are 93 chapters, each of which was written by leading experts in the field to enlighten and refresh knowledge of the mature engineer, and to educate the novice. The first section summarizes the applicable mathematics and symbols underlying other applications. Each section contains introductory material, leading to the appropriate applications. To help the reader, each article includes two important and useful categories: defining terms and references. Defining terms are key definitions and the first occurrence of each term defined is indicated in boldface in the text. The references provide a list of useful books and articles for following reading. Finally, further information contained in some articles provides general and useful sources of additional information on the topic.
Locating Your Topic
Numerous avenues of access to information contained in the Handbook are provided. A complete table of contents is presented at the front of the book. In addition, an individual table of contents precedes each of the 13 sections. Finally, each chapter begins with its own table of contents. The reader is urged to look over these tables of contents to become familiar with the structure, organization, and content of the book. For example, see Section II: Circuit Elements, Devices and Their Models, then Chapter 10: Passive Circuit Elements, and then Chapter 10.1: Resistor. This tree-like structure enables the reader to move up the tree to locate information on the topic of interest. An index has been compiled to provide multiple means of accessing information. It includes authors and subjects. The index can also be used to locate definitions. The page on which the definition appears for each key defining term is given in this index. The Circuits and Filters Handbook is designed to provide answers to most inquiries and direct the inquirer to further sources and references. We trust that it will meet your needs.

Circuit Elements, Devices and Their Models
Linear Circuit Analysis
Feedback Circuits
Nonlinear Circuits
Distributed Circuits
Computer-Aided Design and Optimization
Analog Intergrated Circuits
The VLSI Circuits
Design Automation
Passive Filters
Active Filters
Digital Filters
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