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  • добавлен 05 февраля 2012 г.
Ehrgott M., Figueira J.R., Greco S. (Eds.) Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
Springer – 2010, 429 pages
ISBN 9781441959034

Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is the study of methods and procedures by which conces about multiple conflicting criteria can be formally incorporated into the management planning process. A key area of research in OR/MS, MCDA is now being applied in many new areas, including GIS systems, AI, and group decision making. This volume is in effect the third in a series of Springer books about MCDA (all in the ISOR series), and it brings all the latest advancements into focus. Looking at developments in the applications, methodologies and foundations of MCDA, it presents research from leaders in the field on such topics as Problem Structuring Methodologies, Measurement Theory and MCDA, Recent Developments in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, Habitual Domains and Dynamic MCDA in Changeable Spaces, Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis, Robust Ordinal Regression, and many more challenging issues.
Matthias Ehrgott, Jos.e Rui Figueira, and Salvatore Greco
Dynamic MCDM, Habitual Domains and Competence
Set Analysis for Effective Decision Making
in Changeable Spaces
Po-Lung Yu and Yen-Chu Chen
The Need for and Possible Methods of Objective Ranking
Andrzej P. Wierzbicki
Preference Function Modelling: The Mathematical
Foundations of Decision Theory
Jonathan Barzilai
Robustness in Multi-criteria Decision Aiding
Hassene Aissi and Beard Roy
PreferenceModelling, a Matter of Degree
Beard De Baets and J.anos Fodor
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic-Based Methods
in Multicriteria Decision Analysis
Radko Mesiar and Lucia Vavr.?kov.a
Argumentation Theory and Decision Aiding
Wassila Ouerdane, Nicolas Maudet, and Alexis Tsouki`as
Problem Structuring and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis209
Valerie Belton and Theodor Stewart
Robust Ordinal Regression
Salvatore Greco, Roman S?owi.nski, Jos.e Rui Figueira,
and Vincent Mousseau
Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA)
Risto Lahdelma and Pekka Salminen
Multiple Criteria Approaches to Group Decision
and Negotiation
D. Marc Kilgour, Ye Chen, and Keith W. Hipel
Recent Developments in Evolutionary Multi-Objective
Kalyanmoy Deb
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis and Geographic
Information Systems
Jacek Malczewski
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