Промышленная экология
Экологические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 15 января 2012 г.
Exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields, biological effects and health consequences (100 kHz-300 GHz)
Review of the scientific evidence on dosimetry, biological effects, epidemiological observations, and health consequences conceing exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields (100 khz to 300 Ghz). Icnirp, 2009. - 378p.
Editors:Paolo Vecchia, R?diger Matthes, Gunde Ziegelberger, James Lin, Richard Saunders, Anthony Swerdlow.

Издатель - международная комиссия по защите от неионизирующих излучений. Представлено обширное обозрение научных исследований, касающихся разных аспектов влияния электромагнитных полей частотного диапазона от 100 кгц до 300 гГц на живые организмы. В частности, рассмотрены вопросы биологического влияния мобильных телефонов и антенн сотовой связи. (на англ.яз.)

Dosimetry of high frequency electromagnetic fields (100 khz to 300 Ghz).
phYsical characteristics.
sources and exposures.
rf measurement.
mechanisms of interaction.
review of Experimental Studies of Rf biological Effects (100 khz – 300 Ghz).
biological evidence for interaction mechanisms.
cellular studies.
animal studies.
human studies.
summary and conclusions.
Epidemiology of health effects of radiofrequency exposure.
Epidemiologic evidence on mobile phone and tumor risk.
Epidemiology of health effects of radiofrequency exposure.
review of studies on occupational exposure.
review of studies on environmental exposure from transmitters.
review of studies on mobile phone use.
general conclusions and recommendations.
epidemiologic evidence on mobile phones and tumor risk: A review.
methodologic considerations.
methods of studies.
SALIVARY GLAND TUMORS: Results and interpretation.
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