Фонетика / English Phonology and Phonetics
Английский язык
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  • добавлен 12 ноября 2014 г.
Фонетика английский язык 3 курс для бакалавров (гуманитарные науки)
Ответы на экзамен по Фонетике английского языка. Включены следующие вопросы:
Phonetics as a science, its aims. Aspect of speech sounds, methods of investigation used in different branches of phonetics. Practical and theoretical importance of phonetics.
Connection of ph. with other linguistic, non-linguistic sciences. The ph. structure of the language. Speech mechanism.
The problem of the definition of the phoneme. Phoneme as a dialectual unity of 3 aspects
ariants of phonemes (principal or typical variants, subsidiary variants).Types of transcription.Types of mistakes.
Phoneme.The methods of phonological analysis.Main trends in Phoneme Theory
Consonants.Definition.Classification of consonants.Modification of consonants in connected speech
Syllable.Definition.Theories of syllabic formation and syllable division.Factors determining syllable division in E.
Syllable. Phonetic and orthographic syllables.Function of the syllable structure of English words
Accent. Types of word accent. Degrees of word according to British and American phonemes
Accent.Tendencies in the English accentual structure. Functions of the accentual structure of English words.Typology of accentual structure
Definition of intonation by different linguists.Components of intonation.
ntonation. Definition.Methods of indicating intonation. Functions of indicating intonation.
territorial varieties of English pronunciation. General remarks (term,accent, national standard etc). British English
American English