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  • добавлен 12 июля 2014 г.
Grahame Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows
Вlасk Саt, 2006. — 63 pages. — (Grееn Аррlе)
Некоторые слова и выражения объясняются в комментариях-сносках, некоторые иллюстрированы картинками. Разнообразные упражнения. Дополнительная страноведческая информация.
When Mole decides to leave his underground home and meets Rat, he discovers a completely new world on the river bank and in the Wild Wood. And Toad’s passion for fast cars leads them on a series of adventures, which end with a battle against the ferrets and weasels, who have captured Toad Hall.
Easy adaptation at Starter Level.
Wide range of fun activities in the four skills.
KET-style exercises.
Trinity-style exercises (Grade 2).
The text recorded in full .
An informative dossier on animals in winter.
Project Work using the web.
Exit test with answer key.