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  • добавлен 07 февраля 2012 г.
Green D. (Ed.) At the Leading Edge: The ATLAS and CMS LHC Experiments
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2010, 436 pages, ISBN-10: 9814304670

Too often descriptions of detectors focus on the "what" and not the "why". This volume aims to elucidate how the requirements of the physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) define the detector environment. In tu, the detector choices are made to adopt to that environment. The goal of LHC physics is to explore the mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking. Because of the minuscule cross-sections which need to be explored, 0.1 fb, the LHC needs to provide 100 fb-1/yr, or an instantaneous luminosity of 1034 / (cm2 sec). With a bunch crossing interval of 25 nsec, well matched to detector speeds, there will be 25 events occupying each bunch crossing.

Introduction: How Physics Defines the LHC Environment and Detectors
The CMS Pixel Detector
The Hybrid Tracking System of ATLAS
The All-Silicon Strip CMS Tracker: Microtechnology at the Macroscale
The ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeters: Features and Performance
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter: Crystals and APD Productions
ATLAS Electronics: An Overview
Innovations in the CMS Tracker Electronics
TileCal: The Hadronic Section of the Central ATLAS Calorimeter
Innovations for the CMS HCAL
ATLAS Superconducting Toroids — The Largest Ever Built
Constructing a 4-Tesla Large Thin Solenoid at the Limit of What Can Be Safely Operated
The ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
The CMS Muon Detector: From the First Thoughts to the Final Design
The Why and How of the ATLAS Data Acquisition System
Removing The Haystack — The CMS Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
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