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  • добавлен 05 марта 2016 г.
Homeopathic Remedy Pictures. Гомеопатия в картинках
Homeolinks Publishers. - 204 p.
The ‘secrets’ of homeopathic remedies - put in a nutshell in a humorous way
‘Dullness while studying' is an Aethusa symptom.
This book was made to protect you from dullness while studying.
The authors have produced a work of art which is as instructive as it is entertaining. Their sharply-observed cartoons make 50 important homeopathic remedies come alive in a way that makes them unforgettable.
Concise texts summarize the most important aspects, and the interaction between the text and the caricatures achieves the miracle: the remedy picture is indelibly imprinted on the memory.
All this makes it simpler to study homeopathy and to deepen one’s knowledge.
You will be delighted with the effects: from now on, you will always see these remedies in your mind’s eye.
We hope you find success and enjoyment with: Homeopathic Remedy Pictures -Studying with Cartoons