Компьютерная литература
  • формат pdf
  • размер 8,12 МБ
  • добавлен 02 августа 2015 г.
Kurniawan B. Android Application Development. A Beginner’s Tutorial
BrainySoftware, 2015. — 268 p. — ISBN-10: 0992133017, ISBN-13: 978-0992133016.

Хотя в названии подчеркивается назначение книги как учебного пособия для начинающих, для них реально доступны для освоения первые 2 главы, далее материал требует, как минимум знания Android Studio.
Код примеров к книге выложен здесь.
Android is the most popular mobile platform today and it comes with a comprehensive set of APIs that make it easy for developers to write, test and deploy apps. With these APIs you can easily show user interface (UI) components, play and record audio and video, create games and animation, store and retrieve data, search the Inteet, and so on.
This book is a tutorial for experienced Java programmers wanting to lea to develop Android applications. It introduces the fundamentals and provide real-world applications for every topic of discussion.
Budi Kuiawan is known for his clear writing style. A consultant at Brainy Software Corp., he has written software licensed by Fortune 100 companies and architected and developed large scale applications for various organizations around the world. He has also published more than 100 articles in prestigious publications. His other books include the popular "How Tomcat Works" and "Servlet & JSP: A Tutorial."