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  • добавлен 25 августа 2011 г.
Lafferty J.M. Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology
Wiley, New York, 1998, 1121 Pages
Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology offers a comprehensive survey of the physical and chemical principles underlying the production, measurement, and use of high vacuums. It also provides a valuable critical survey of important developments that have occurred in the field over the past several decades.
Reviews the laws of kinetics, the principles of gas flow over a wide range of pressures, and the behaviors of both compressible and turbulent flows
Features exhaustive coverage of vacuum pump technology, including liquid ring pumps, dry pumps, turbo pumps, getter pumps, and cryo pumps
Describes leak detectors used in industry
Examines all types of pressure measurement techniques, including the latest quadrupole mass spectrometer techniques for partial pressure analysis
Explores the state of the art in calibration and standards.
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IOP, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 1998, 189 c. Книга представляет собой курс лекций по вакуумной технике (University of Strathclyde, UK). Содержит следующие разделы: Газы Газы в вакуумных системах Насосы Измерение давления Вакуумные материалы и компоненты Очистка Течи и их поиск Системы

Hablanian M.H. High-Vacuum Technology - A Practical Guide

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2nd Edition, revised and expanded. N.Y. : Marcel Dekker, 1997. – 540 p. ISBN: 978-0824798345. Introduction. Properties of Gases. Fluid Flow and Pumping Concepts. Vacuum Systems. Coarse Vacuum Pumps. Vapor Jet (Diffusion) Pumps. Turbomolecular Pumps. Cryogenic Pumps. Gettering and Ion Pumping. Overloading of Vacuum Pumps. Ultrahigh Vacuum. Vacuum Gauges and Gas Analyzers. Leak Detection. Publisher's review: Offering a basic understanding of eac...

Hoffman D.M., Singh B., Thomas J.H. (Eds). Handbook of Vacuum Science and Technology

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Academic Press, 1997. San Diego, London, New York, Tokyo, Toronto. - XXII, 839 p. ISBN: 0-12-352065-7. Contents Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology and Surface Physics. Creation of Vacuum. Vacuum Measurements. System Design and Components. Vacuum Applications. Large-Scale Vacuum Based Processes. Publisher's review The Handbook of Vacuum Science and Technology consists of the latest innovations in vacuum science and technology with a strong orient...

Plesch P.H. High Vacuum Techniques for Chemical Syntheses and Measurements

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Cambridge University Press. 1989. 181 p. In the only up-to-date book concerning high vacuum systems for chemists, Plesch describes the fundamental principles and construction techniques of this important method of isolating air-sensitive chemicals from the atmosphere. The intent of this instructional book is to enable chemists to decide whether high vacuum techniques (HVT) can benefit them and if so, how they can construct and implement an HV sy...

Umrath W. Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology

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Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology. Revised and compliled by Dr.Walter Umrath. - Cologne, 1998. - 187 p. (на англ. яз. ) Качество: отличное (не скан). Подробное руководство по вакуумной технике и технологии, составленное коллективом авторов из компании Leybold Vacuum под руководством д-ра Вальтера Умрата. Предлагаемый вниманию читателя текст сочетает достаточную научную строгость подхода с понятным и наглядным стилем изложения. Текстовый материал...

Yoshimura N. Vacuum Technology. Practice for Scientific Instruments

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Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. - X, 350 p. ISBN 978-3-540-74432-0. Designing of Evacuation Systems. Vacuum Pumps. Simulation of Pressures in High-Vacuum Systems. Outgassing. Phenomena Induced by Electron Irradiation. Vacuum Gauges. Microdischarges in High Vacuum. Emitters for Fine Electron Probes.