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  • добавлен 30 июня 2016 г.
New Scientist 2016. The Collection 03 (Vol. 3): The Quantum World
Reed Business Information Ltd. — 132 p. — ISSN 0262-4079
Международный научный журнал, охватывающим последние события в области науки и техники. Наряду с обзором текущих событий и новостей, в журнале часто представлены и исследовательские статьи, начиная от технических до философских.
New Scientist covers discoveries and ideas in science and technology that will change your life and the way you understand the world. New Scientist employs and commissions the best writers in their fields to provide in-depth but accessible coverage of the developments that matter. New Scientist: The Collection is a themed compilation of recent articles and special reports from our back catalogue, providing a book-length examination of some of the deepest questions known to humanity.
All cultures have a creation story, but mode science has the best one of all – a near-complete account of how our planet went from a barren lump of rock to one covered in a rich diversity of plants, animals and microbes.
Out of Earth's primordial chemicals arose an entity capable of replicating itself. Life was bo and the rest, as they say, is prehistory. The forces of evolution worked on this simple life form and its descendants to create all manner of useful adaptations. We will probably never know exactly how this first life arose or what it was like, but there are many other mysteries we can hope to solve.
These questions are tackled in Life on Earth: Origins, Evolution, Extinction, the latest issue of New Scientist: The Collection. It tells the epic story of the only living planet we know of in the universe, from life's origins to the watershed moments in its history.
What does it mean?
Quantum life
Practical magic
Our quantum cosmos