Инструментальное хозяйство ДОП
  • формат pdf
  • размер 34,46 МБ
  • добавлен 26 декабря 2012 г.
Peters R. Woodworker's Hand Tools - An Essential Guide
Sterling, 2001. – 196 c.
ISBN: 0-8069-6661-0
Книга по применению ручного инструмента. Чёткие и красивые иллюстрации от и до, знание английского не обязательно.
Many woodworkers are discovering the pleasures of working with hand tools. Purists have always known that these tools are safer and quieter and that they produce an unparalleled level of finish. They are also generally harder to use than their electrified counterparts. Peters comes to the rescue with this outstanding guide to their care and use. Divided into broad sections by tool function ("Measuring & Marking," "Cutting," "Smoothing," "Shaping," "Assembly," "Clamping," and "Sharpening"), this title offers excellent instructions supplemented by a wealth of colorful photos and drawings. The sections on using clamps and measuring and marking tools should be required reading for all woodworkers, whether they use hand or power tools. This especially attractive book is an essential public library purchase.