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  • добавлен 22 февраля 2016 г.
Psakhis Lev. French Defence 3.Nc3
Batsford, 2004. — 256 p.
Дебютная монография известного советского гроссмейстера, чемпиона СССР Льва Псахиса о варианте французской защиты с 3 Кс3 .
Since the publication of The Complete French in 1992, the amount of theory has increased so that it now encompasses three entire volumes. This, the second installment of the series, discusses the consequences of 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 and the various Black replies one might expect. They include the Winawer variation 3 . . . Bb4, leading to sharp play on both flanks; the Rubinstein/Bu lines, which result in active center play; or the Classical 3 . . . Nf6 . Featuring a wealth of example games, this volume is not to be missed by anyone seeking a thorough understanding of this classic defense.