Этнография и этнология народов Центральной Азии
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  • добавлен 25 августа 2013 г.
Серен П.С. Монголын тувачуудын ёс заншил
Улаанбаатар, 2004. — 46 х.
The book tells us about the spiritual culture of Tuvans, inhabiting the sumon (district) of Tzagaan-Nuur, Khubsugul aimak, Mongolia. About 800 Tuvans lives in the sumon of Tzagaan-Nuur, Khubsugul aimak, according to informants. In scientific literature they also have the name Tzaatan stemming from the Mongolian word "tzaa" - deer. This ethnic group is the only one in Mongolia engaged in reindeer-breeding. The ethnographic materials collected mainly in the given areas used in the work. Besides, materials conceing Tuvans in the Kobdos and Buyan-Ulegei aimaks are provided.