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  • добавлен 14 ноября 2011 г.
SIMCom. Пакет документации к SIM900
SIM900D Hardware Design V1.02
61 страница
This document describes the hardware interface of the SIMCom SIM900D module that connects to the specific application and the air interface. As SIM900D can be integrated with a wide range of applications, all functional components of SIM900D are described in great detail.
This document can help you quickly understand SIM900D interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details. With the help of this document and other SIM900D application notes, user guide, the SIM900D module can be used to design and set-up mobile applications quickly.

SIM900 SIM300 АТС comparison V1.01
46 страниц
This document describes the important points that should be taken into account in client's application design. As SIM900 can be integrated with a wide range of applications, the application notes are described in great detail.
This document can help you quickly understand SIM900 interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details. With the help of this document and other SIM900 application notes, user guide, you can use SIM900 module to design and set-up mobile applications quickly.

SIM900 AT Commands Set V1.01
201 страниц
This document presents the AT Command Set for SIMCOM SIM900 series cellular engine.
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  • размер 561.84 КБ
  • добавлен 23 марта 2011 г.
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SIMCom. SIM300 Hardware Interface Description

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  • размер 2.26 МБ
  • добавлен 14 ноября 2011 г.
56 страниц. Version: 03.03. Date: 2006-08-30. This document describes the hardware interface of the SIMCOM SIM300 module that connects to the specific application and the air interface. As SIM300 can be integrated with a wide range of applications, all functional components of SIM300 are described in great detail. This document can help you quickly understand SIM300 interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details. With the help of thi...

SIMCom. Пакет документации к SIMCom FOTA Solution

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  • размер 662.84 КБ
  • добавлен 14 ноября 2011 г.
Introduction of Simcom fota solution. 23 страницы. Презентация. Fota(Firmware Over the Air) Application note an simcom fota V1.00 12 страниц This document describes SIMCom FOTA Solution and focuses on the client side, mainly the AT commands which are to be utilized to better support and integrate with the rest of FOTA components. This document can help you to quickly understand the functionality of SIMCom FOTA AT commands, and as well their usag...