Дискретная математика
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  • добавлен 28 декабря 2010 г.
Steinbach B., Posthoff C. Logic Functions and Equations: Examples and Exercises
Springer, 2009. - 234 Pages.

The field of binary Logics has two main areas of application, the Digital Design of Circuits (related to Electrical Engineering) and Propositional Logics (related to Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity etc. ). In both cases it is quite possible to teach the theoretical foundations and to do some exercises, but in both cases the examples that can be done in class and by hand are far away from examples that are relevant for practical problems. Therefore a software package called XBOOLE Monitor will be made available (downloadable, without additional fees), and the exercises given in Logic Functions and Equations can be solved by using this software package - in this way it is possible to solve a lot of relevant problems and to study the solutions based on this software.
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