Историография, источниковедение и методы исторических исследований
Исторические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 27 января 2012 г.
Stone Dan. Raphael Lemkin on the Holocaust
Joual of Genocide Research, 7(4), December 2005, pp. 539–
550. Language: English.

This article will examine what Lemkin knew about the genocide of the Jews — not yet called the "Holocaust" — as he was writing his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (1944), and ask to what extent his analysis of the situation as presented in that book and his other writings on Nazi Germany
have stood the test of time. - Dan Stone.
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  • добавлен 27 января 2012 г.
An Article. Journal of Genocide Research 7(4), December 2005, pp. 469– 499. Language: English. "Historians specializing in Jewish studies with a focus on the Holocaust, or other topics of population murder and conflicts such as the Armenian genocide, may know of Lemkin, but rarely consult his archival papers. A lawyer may know of his name through his writings on international law or currency exchange or possibly from the strong opposition by the...