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  • добавлен 05 ноября 2010 г.
Terje A.S. e.a. (ed.). Handbook of Conducting Polymers
This second edition of the Handbook of Conducting Polymers has been written to provide an update on the fundamental progress and applications made in this field since the publication of the first edition, with contributions from world-renowned authors. The Handbook has been subdivided into the general areas of theory and transport, synthesis, processing, properties, and applications of conducting polymers. The various chapters demonstrate the importance of continued synthesis of new, well-characterized polymers with enhanced properties, along with studies of fundamental physical properties and processes. Moreover, the ability to prepare stable and processable conducting polymers has led to a dramatic increase in proposed applications. Continued applications development will provide the driving force for further research, which in tu will lead to the appearance in the market of additional products based on conducting polymers. Indeed, the next ten years promise to be as fascinating as the previous decade, as the expanding role of these multifunctional materials unfolds.
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