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  • добавлен 27 января 2013 г.
Valentine Randolph J. Nishnaabemwin Reference Grammar
Издательство университета Торонто, 2001 - 1100 стр.
Большая монография по языку оджибве (диалект оттава).
Краткое содержание:
1. Introduction to Nishnaabemwin
2. Phonology and Orthography
3. Parts of Speech
4. Noun Inflection
5. Animate Intransitive Verb Inflection
6. Inanimate Intransitive Verb Inflection
7. Transitive Animate Verb Inflection
8. Transitive Inanimate Verb Inflection
9. The Derivation of Intransitive Verbs
10. The Derivation of Transitive Verbs
11. The Derivation of Nouns and Adverbs
12. Nominals and Pronominals
13. Verbs and Their Semantic Roles
14. Being and Becoming
15. Location and Manner
16. Time and Circumstance
17. Quantity and Degree
18. Syntax and Communicative Functions