Index I-15
Verb tense, 452–492; see also Future tense; Past tense;
Perfect tense; Present tense; Progressive tense;
Simple tense
basics of, 594–618
consistency of, 477–478
defi nition of, 452
editing for, 489–492
irregular verbs and, 453, 467–475
passive voice and, 475–477
reference charts for, 478–489
helping verbs and, 485–489
perfect tenses and, 483–485
progressive tenses and, 481–483
simple tenses and, 479–481
regular verbs and, 452, 454–467
future tense of, 464–467
past tense of, 458–464
perfect tense of, 605–609
present tense of, 454–458
progressive tense of, 600–604
simple tense of, 594–600
understanding, 452–453
Video, documentation of, 374
Vowels, 664
was, past progressive tense and, 602
Web sites; see also Internet
documentation of, 372
evaluating reliability of, 357–358
of library, 351
well, 522–525
were, past progressive tense and, 602
“What Makes Marriages Work?” (Berger),
“When Students Are Parents” (Rizer), 156–157
“When the Regulation of Eating Behavior Fails:
Anorexia and Bulimia” (Hockenbury and
Hockenbury), 257–259
basics of, 592
commas and, 681–682
fragments starting with, 404
joining ideas with, 575–577
modifi ers starting with, 532
White, Brenda, 330–331
basics of, 592
commas and, 681–682
fragments starting with, 404
joining ideas with, 575–577
modifi ers starting with, 532
versus whom, 509–510
whoever, 510
Whole-to-whole organization, 255–256
whom, versus who, 509–510
whomever, 510
who’s / whose, 656
fragments starting with, 404
modifi ers starting with, 532
versus who’s, 656
“Why Progressives Should Oppose the Legalization of
Assisted Suicide” (Golden), 855–858
reference chart for, 487, 489
simple future tense and, 464, 600
will be, future progressive tense and, 464–465, 603
will have, future perfect tense and, 465, 608
Williams, Carson, 96–98, 121–123
Winn, Marie, 362
Word choice, 633–646
Word order, in basic sentences, 582–584
abstract, 635–636
commonly confused; see Commonly confused words
commonly misspelled, list of, 666–667
concrete, 635–636
specifi c, 635–636
vague, 635–636
“Words That Wound” (Vail), 113, 759–763
Wordy language, 638–400
Works Cited, 360, 368, 369–374
World Wide Web; see Internet
basics of, 615
reference chart for, 487–488, 489
write / right, 653
Writing, 45–61
advice about, 4–6
analyzing assignment in, 53–54
audience and, 46–47
essay structure and, 49–51
four basics of, 45
grading criteria for, 54–55
paragraph structure and, 48, 49–51
portfolio of, 60–61
process of, 51–53
purpose for, 47
student samples of, 56–60
Writing guides
for argument, 313–315
for cause and effect, 288–289
for classifi cation, 233–235
for comparison and contrast, 269–271
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