336 Index
gamma, 19
generalized Erlang (GE), 89, 285
geometric, 15
log-normal, 22
mixture of generalized Erlangs (MGE), 286
normal, 21
Poisson, 15
Weibull, 20
Weibull parameters, 36
effective arrival rate, 73
effective processing time, 113
entity, 323
Erlang, 18
Erlang models, 85, 87
event-driven, 323
equation generation, 150
gamma function, 36
goal seek, 37
inverse distributions, 322
matrix inverse, 97
mean value analysis, 272
simulation, 62, 98, 150
t-statistic, 100
Weibull parameters, 36
expected value
definition, 10
property, 11
exponential, 17
exponential random variate, 322
factory models
deterministic, 54
deterministic routing, 174
multiple product networks, 159
processing step paradigm, 167
serial workstations, 125
single product networks, 138
single workstation, 69
various forms of batching, 197
factory performance
general networks, 138
failures, 114, 328
finite queues, 285
flow shop, 48
future event, 323
gamma distribution, 19
gamma function, 19, 36
gamma random variate, 322
Gauss, K., 21
general distribution models, 93, 95
general service models, 91, 253
generalized Erlang (GE), 89, 285
generator, 286, 290
geometric, 15
glossary, 331
Gosset, W.S., 16
group technology, 177
i.i.d., 33
independence, 7, 28
job shop, 48
job type, 48
cumulative distribution function, 24
probability density function, 25
probability mass function, 24
just-in-time, 241
kanban, 241, 267, 281
Kendall notation, 76
log-normal, 22, 322
probability density function, 25
probability mass function, 25
marginal distribution analysis
exponential, 249
non-exponential, 267
Markovian routing, 136
matrix inverse, 97
mean, 11
mean value analysis, 242
Excel, 272
exponential, 245, 247
multi-product, 257, 260, 263, 267
multi-servers, 249, 267
non-exponential, 253
memoryless property, 17, 85
merging streams, 133
mixture of generalized Erlangs (MGE), 286
mixtures of random variables, 35
multiple product networks, 159
multiple servers, 249, 267
multiple streams, 139
multivariate distributions, 24
network, 125, 222
network approximations, 138
non-identical servers, 81
nonserial network models, 133, 139
normal, 21
normal random variate, 322
offered workload, 159