Subject Index 417
Latent moderated structural equations (LMS)
method, 341–342
Latent response variables, 180
Latent transition model, 16
Latent variable partial least squares, 286
Latent variables
disturbances, 103–104
extended latent variable families, 16–17
failing to have sufficient numbers of indica-
tors of, 358–359
inappropriately estimating relative group
mean or intercept differences, 363
interactive effects, 336–337, 342
overview, 8–10
scaling, 127–120, 363
setting scales inappropriately, 363
Least squares criterion, 20
Lee–Hershberger replacement rules, 225–226,
227, 276
Left-out-variable error, 24
Leptokurtic distribution, 60
Level-1 models, 348
Level-2 models, 348
Level-1 predictors, 345
Level-2 predictors, 345
Likelihood ratio chi-square, 199
Likert scale, 178–179, 244
Limited-information method, 20
Linearity, 65–67
LISREL program, 15, 75–76, 77
analysis of MIMIC models, 324–325
analyzing models with ordinal outcomes,
automatic modification option, 28
close-fit hypothesis, 206
data matrices and, 52, 53
disturbance variances, 160
effect decomposition, 167, 168
model chi-square in, 203–204
multiple-sample analyses, 260
overview, 82–83
reduced-form R
, 187
standardized residuals, 171
two-stage least squares and, 156
Listwise deletion, 57
Little–Sleger–Card (LSC) method, 130
L → M block, 281
Local independence assumption, 115
Local Type I error fallacy, 38
Logarithms, 63
Logistic regression (LR), 32–33
Logit variable, 32
Interrater reliability, 70
Intervening variables, 105–106
Intraclass correlation, unconditional, 344
Invariance. See Measurement invariance
Invariance testing
overview, 256–258
of SR models, 288–289
Inverse probability fallacy, 38
Item characteristics curves (ICC), 244, 260–
Item-level analyses, 260–261
Item response theory (IRT), 244–245, 260–261
analyzing parcels, 181–182
methods for analyzing, 244–245
Iterative estimation, 157
Iterative methods, 67
James, William, 290
Jöreskog, K., 15
Jöreskog–Sörbom Goodness of Fit Index, 204,
Journal of Business Research, 286
Just-determined models, 125, 126
Just-identified models
defined, 125
equivalent version of, 276
model trimming and, 214
structural equation models, 126, 138
JWK model, 15
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
(KABC-I), 117, 118, 233–239
Keesling, J., 15
Kenny–Judd estimation, 337–340
Kenny–Kashy–Bolger rules, 140, 141, 143
Kurtosis, 60–63
Kurtosis index (KI), 62–63
Lagged variables, 316
Lagrange Multiplier (LM), 216–217
Lagrangia, Giuseppe Lodovico, 216n
Latent class analysis, 16
Latent class regression, 16
Latent composites, 281, 283–286
Latent growth models (LGMs)
analysis, 304–311
defined, 304
empirical example, 305, 306
extensions of, 314–316
modeling change, 305–311
predicting change, 311–314