Origins of the Cold War
The DeaTh oF FDr
Just a few months into his
unprecedented fourth term as
president of the United States,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt fell victim
to his own ill health. Offi cially,
the president died of a cerebral
hemorrhage, but the fact was that
FDR had been in poor and ever
declining health prior to his death.
FDR had, of course, struggled
for decades with a major physical
handicap, the effect of contracting
infantile paralysis at the age of 39.
But in his later years he suffered
from a litany of health conditions,
including heart trouble, circulatory
problems, and emphysema. (FDR
had smoked his entire adult life,
going through a pack or two a day.)
He probably suffered some sort of
heart condition prior to the Teheran
Conference in November 1943, but
his health issues seemed to pile up on
him in 1944. By then, under doctor’s
orders, FDR was limited to fewer
than four hours of intense public
endeavors a day.
It is no surprise, then, that FDR’s
advisors and aides were opposed to
his attending the Yalta Conference the
following February, which required
the president to endure a grueling
trip half way around the world. It is
here that historians question how
dramatically Roosevelt’s declining
health may have affected the
direction of history. Unfortunately,
at Yalta FDR was struggling not only
with the Soviet leader, but with
his own frail health. Circulation
problems and a general hardening
of the arteries made it diffi cult for
the president to concentrate and he
sometimes seemed lost in thought.
While it is diffi cult to assess how,
or even whether, FDR’s health may
have affected his ability to truly
negotiate at Yalta, he obviously did
not emerge from the conference
having won every hand with Stalin.
Several members of the British
delegation even suggested that
the president appeared at best
disinterested and at worst ineffective.
However, though he had been unable
to hold the Soviet leader to clear
promises for the future of Eastern
Europe, this might have proved an
impossible task for FDR even if he
had been in the best of health.
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