Rasmus Solmer Eriksen
Mr Rasmus Eriksen is a trained technician and
worked with industrial production machines for
several years. He received an MSc in 2005 in Elec-
trical Engineering at DTU, Denmark, and then
worked for one year at IPU as engineer consultant
in the division of technology development. In
2006 Rasmus joined the group of Micro-/Nano-
Manufacturing at DTU where he is working
towards his PhD. His research is focused on tool
design for bulk forming of micro- components and
was part of the research team designing a fully
functional prototype machine for micro-bulk
forming with the MASMICRO project.
Email: rser@mek.dtu.dk
Bertrand Fillon
Dr Bertrand Fillon is the CTO of CEA/LITEN for
new energy technologies, organic, electronic and
nano-materials, France, and the scientific presi-
dent of the French Polymer Cluster ‘Plastipolis’.
He has been the initiator of the polymer platform
involving the different CEA research teams and
Swiss laboratories CSEM. Between 1990 and
2003, he worked with Pechiney Packaging as a
coordinator of their Global Packaging R&D
activities and the leader of the Pechiney polymer
expert group.
Email: bertrand.fillon@cea.fr
Gonzalo G. Fuentes
Dr Gonzalo G. Fuentes got his PhD in Material
Science and Thin Films from the University
Autonoma of Madrid, and researched in hetero-
nanotubes and macro-molecular systems in
Germany. Since 2003 he has been responsible
for the international projects at the Center of
Advanced Surface Engineering (with AIN), Spain.
He participated in five EU funded research pro-
jects and coordinated several national and
regional projects. He has published 45 scientific
articles in peer reviewed journals.
Email: gfuentes@ain.es
Asta Gegeckaite
Dr Asta Gegeckaite is a Project Manager at Novo
Nordisk. She has professional experience in
handling and assembly of micro-products, includ-
ing testing, development and automation of assem-
bly processes. She obtained a PhD within the
program of Construction, Production, Civil Engi-
neering and Transport and has a Master of Science
Diploma in Materials Science (Polymeric Materi-
als), a Civil Engineering Diploma within Qualifica-
tion of Work Safety (similar to EHS) and a
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering.
Email: agek@novonordisk.com
Arnold Gillner
Dr Arnold Gillner studied Physics at the Univer-
sity of Darmstadt and obtained his PhD in
Mechanical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen
in 1994. Since 1985 he has worked as a scientist
at the Fraunhofer-Institut for Laser Technology
(ILT). Starting in 1992 he developed the Depart-
ment for Micro-Technology at the ILT, which has
since become a leading department. Together
with more than 20 scientists he is developing
industrial laser processes for micro-joining and
packaging, micro- and nano-structuring, polymer
applications and life science applications.
Email: arnold.gillner@ilt.fraunhofer.de
Hans Nørgaard Hansen
Dr Hans Nørgaard Hansen, Professor of Micro-
Manufacturing, Technical University of Denmark,
is heading the research group on Micro-/Nano-
Manufacturing as well as the Manufacturing Engi-
neering Section of the department. His research is
focused on industrial production of products and
components in metals, polymers and ceramics
with critical dimensions in the micrometer range
(product and material development, development
of processes, process chains and production sys-
tems for micro-mechanical systems).
Email: hnha@mek.dtu.dk
Colin Harrison
Dr Colin Harrison, Senior Research Fellow, grad-
uated in Engineering Science from the University of
Aberdeen in 1984 having won the F.J. McGrigor
prize for engineering; he then worked in the oil
industry, before joining the University of Dundee
working on discrete event simulation and computer
Contributors ix