teins. Material endocytosed into AEE or BEE can also be separated from fluid-phase
markers (Dunn et al. 1989) and be targeted into the lysosomal pathway or directed to a
common recycling endosome (CRE) (reviewed by Mukherjee et al. 1997). Apical proteins
endocytosed into the AEE may also travel through a specialized compartment, called the
apical recycling endosome (ARE) (Leung et al. 2000).
The CRE, often identified by its perinuclear localization, the presence of Rab 11(Sheff
et al. 1999) and/or Rab 17 (Hunziker and Peters 1998), absence of fluid phase markers,
and a tubular morphology, is clearly distinct from early endosomes. Indeed, the CRE can
be resolved from early endosomes physically, biochemically, and pharmacologically in
MDCK cells (Sheff et al. 1999). Because the CRE receives and appropriately recycles in-
ternalized material from both the basolateral and the apical compartment (Bomsel et al.
1990; Parton et al. 1989), it is generally considered to be a major polarized sorting station.
Recent work is beginning to provide a glimpse into a mechanism for some basolateral
membrane proteins. Ultrastructural studies indicate that basolateral sorting of the transfer-
rin receptor occurs in tubular extensions of the CRE (Odorizzi et al. 1996) on clathrin-
studded vesicles (Futter et al. 1998). Reminiscent of the biosynthetic pathway, the sorting
process in the CRE is sensitive to BFA (Matter et al. 1993; Wan et al. 1992; Wang et al.
2002; Futter et al. 1998). Because BFA does not induce gross disruption or fusion of the
endocytic compartments in MDCK cells (Wang et al. 2002), it has been believed to alter
endosomal sorting processes directly. Presumably by exerting its well-known inhibitory
effect on the association of coat proteins (Kreis 1992), BFA prevents critical segregation
steps in the CRE. Futter first presented evidence suggesting that g-adaptin, a subunit of
AP-1A and AP-1B clathrin adaptor complexes, marks clathrin-coated vesicles emanating
from the tubular extensions of the CRE as basolateral membrane-destined carriers (Futter
et al. 1998). More recent work indicates that direct interaction of cargo in the CRE with
the AP-1B complex is sufficient to target proteins to the basolateral membrane (see sec-
tion entitled “Adaptin”).
A three compartment model, comprised of the BEE, AEE, and CRE may be sufficient
to describe the kinetic behaviors of the pIgR bound with IgA in the transcytotic pathway
and the TfR in the recycling pathway of MDCK cells (Sheff et al. 1999, 2002). Neverthe-
less, a fourth compartment is likely to serve as a depot for membrane proteins traveling
between the apical membrane and CRE (reviewed in Van Ijzendoorn et al. 2000; see
Fig. 2), perhaps via the AEE (Leung et al. 2000). This compartment, called the apical re-
cycling endosome (ARE) or the subapical compartment (SAC), has been the subject of
great interest because it is suspected to be a postendocytic hub where apical membrane
traffic is regulated to control apical membrane protein surface density (Van Ijzendoorn et
al. 2000). Nevertheless, efforts to differentiate the ARE from apical-membrane transport
intermediates or, more importantly, the CRE, have been hampered because of their over-
lapping or common properties. Indeed, both ARE and CRE compartments are located in a
subapical, perinuclear, or pericentriolar region of the cell, are devoid of fluid-phase mark-
ers, are dependent on microtubules, and many contain a similar complement of Rab pro-
teins, including Rab 11, Rab 17, and Rab 25 (Casanova et al. 1999; Sheff et al. 1999;
Goldenring et al. 1996; Hunziker and Peters 1998). More recent studies (Brown et al.
2000; Wang et al. 2000; Leung et al. 2000) provide several criteria for distinguishing ARE
from the CRE in MDCK cells. Brown defined the ARE as an endocytic compartment at
the extreme apical pole that is enriched in apical proteins. The CRE, in contrast, dis-
tributes throughout the apical and lateral cytoplasm and contains apical and basolateral
54 Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol (2005) 153:47–99