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  • добавлен 18 декабря 2011 г.
WCP 86, A preliminary cloudless standard atmosphere for radiation computation
World Climate Research Programme, Inteational Association For Meteorology And Atmospheric Physics, Radiation Commission, 1986, WCP – 112, WMO/TD-No. 24, 60pp.
McClatchey R.A., Shettle E., Fenn R., et al.
For radiation computations there is a twofold demand for standardized models: First, to test and to intercompare radiation transfer algorithms, and Second, to compute the radiation terms for sensitivity studies in climate research. For the first purpose, the intercomparison of radiation computation schemes, a small number of mean and extreme atmospheric models, which need not even reflect realistic conditions, would be sufficient. For the second purpose models are desired which get as close as possible to natural states of the atmosphere.
The present report is an effort to provide the radiation community with cloudfree standard atmospheres for the first purpose, which are also realistic in so far as they reflect certain selected mean conditions. Thus the models presented here may be used in first approximation sensitivity studies. It is expected that these models will form the basis of more sophisticated models intended especially to implement cloudiness, and to make them more useful for climate sensitivity studies in the sense as requested by the JSC (JSC-1, 1980). With respect to these future extensions some ideas are outlined in this report which may stimulate the discussion among conceed scientific groups. Any feed-back with respect to future requirements and specifications would be welcomed by the Radiation Commission.
We would like to thank all colleagues who cooperated in the preparation of this document for their efforts and suggestions. Not all proposals received could yet be implemented since the objective for this report was to present a nucleus of minimum size with a potential for future augmentation and modification.

Atmospheric temperature and humidity structure.
Aerosol models.
Vertical distribution of radiatively active trace gases.
Interpolation technique.
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