Периодика по физике
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  • добавлен 27 августа 2011 г.
Yang W.J., Taniguchi H., Kudo K. Radiative Heat Transfer by the Monte Carlo Method
Academic Press, New York, London, 1995, 227 pp. - ISBN 0-12-020027-9
Physical phenomena result from a combination of multiple basic processes. Often one can easily comprehend seemingly complex phenomena by investigating each of the basic processes. For example, the properties of a gas or liquid result from the interactions of the molecules which constitute the fluid, as described in molecular gas dynamics. The traffic flow in a highway network can be determined by summing the movement of individual automobiles. Likewise, radiative heat transfer treated in this monograph can be described as a summation of the behavior of individual energy particles. In other words, the radiative energy emitted from a body in proportion to the fourth power of local surface temperature is equivalent to the emission of multiple energy particles.
The traditional approach to these kinds of physical problems is to model the phenomena with mathematical equations and then solve these equations. However, this monograph adopts the Monte Carlo approach.

Thermal Radiation
Radiation Heat Transfer
Methods of Solution
Special Treatises
Two-Dimensional Systems
Some Industrial Applications
Three-Dimensional Systems
List of Variables in Computer Programs
Author Index
Subject Index
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