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Лекции по истории языкознания
История языкознания. Лекции Л.А. Манерко, МПГУ, 2013 год. С пояснениями и дополнительным материалом.
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Language science and its history. The substantive and methodological approaches to the history of linguistics.
An episteme and paradigm and their correspondence to the philosophy of linguistics. Periods in the history of linguistics (prof. Amirova's classification).
Linguistic ideas of Antiquity. The theory of naming in Greece: "phusei" and "thesei" theories, Plato's Cratylos, Aristotle's categories.
Main antinomies of the "Course on General Linguistics" by F. de Saussure.
The development of the semantic triangle (by G. Frege, F. de Saussure. C.K. Ogden and LA. Richards). F. de Saussure's understanding of the linguistic sign. Referential approach.
Structural schools of linguistics (Copenhagen, Prague). American school of descriptivism and structuralism.
Aristotle’s categories, parts of speech and the analysis of main parts of a sentence, Rhetorics.
Linguistic ideas of Antiquity. Stoic and Alexandrian Grammar (main categories and parts of speech, Chrysippus, Dionisius Thrax).
The Roman grammar, Varro, Quintillian Rhetorics , Ars grammaticae by Aelius Donatus and Priscian.
Sanskrit grammars of ancient India (Panini, linguistic concepts of phoneme and morpheme, kinds of compound words, categories).
Linguistics in the Middle Ages. The inventory of printing and its influence on the study of Greek, Latin and other languages.
The origin of language in philosophers’ works of the 17-18 centuries (Rousseau, Descartes, Leibniz).
The description of languages in the Russian Renaissance tradition (Michael Lomonosov hand his works on Russian grammar and rhetoric).
The rational grammar of Port Royal School and their ideas.
Conditions influencing the appearance of historical and comparative linguistics (Sanskrit, sound correspondences, Pierre Coerdoux, William Jones). The historical comparative linguistics (R. Rask, F. Bopp, J. Grimm, A. Vostokov) and their inventions.
W. von Humboldt’s ideas on language (language, speech), human activity and comparative linguistics (4 morphological types of languages)
The linguistic laws of the 19th century (Grimm’s law, Veer’s consonant alterations and other laws). August Schleiher’s notions of reconstruction, protolanguage and genealogic classification of Indo-European languages.
The development of historical-comparative ideas at the end of the 19th century (the Young Grammarian School)
Main points of the conception in A. Potebnya’s book Мысль и язык. The transition from historical to structural ideas in linguistics (H. Sweet, A. Baudouin de Courtenay, W. Jones).
Main periods and paradigms in linguistic knowledge of the 19th century.
Ideas of A. Baudouin de Courtenay on structural notions in linguistics. F. de Saussure’s Course on General Linguistics.
"Course on General Linguistics" by F. de Saussure.
American linguistics of the beginning of the 20th century. Behaviorism in linguistics. Leonard Bloomfield’s book Language (mechanistic approach, IC theory).
Anthropological linguistics in America. Franz Boas and Edward Sapir. Linguistic relativity. Linguistic and conceptual picture of the world.
.Methodological approach (Thomas Kuhn Structures of Scientific Revolutions, paradigms and normal science). 4 main paradigms of linguistics
Descriptive linguistics on form and meaning in Britain (J. Firth, M.A. Halliday and their ideas).
Transformational –generative linguistics. Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures: the object of research, methods and assumption.
Semiotics. Semantic triangle. Ideational (conceptual) approach (John Locke, Charles Peirce) and functional approach to language meaning.
Sign systems. Types of signs: indices, icons, symbols. General principles of relationship between forms and meaning.
The cognitive basis of language. Word, concept and meaning. Linguistic and conceptual categories.
Functional approach to the language meaning. Discourse Analysis
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