24 I. Hubeny
However, such approaches are possible now, at least in 1-D. Recent grids
of NLTE line-blanketed model stellar atmospheres, such as the grid of
O star models [18] that uses Opacity Sampling with a resolution of 0.75
fiducial Doppler widths, can be viewed as more or less “full” frequency
resolution. This approach needs 2–3 ×10
frequency points; cooler star
models would need up to O(10
) frequency points, but this is becoming
possible with current computers.
4.4 Treatment of angular dimensions
Briefly, there are two types of approaches. One can either treat an angular
dependence of specific intensity explicitly, or to use either variable Eddington
factors (or Eddington tensor in more than 1 spatial dimension), or some other
closure relations, and to solve the transfer equation only for the moments of
specific intensity, such as the mean intensity J. The latter approach is very
advantageous in the case of isotropic scattering. For the problems of general
anisotropic scattering, one usually adopts the former approach and solves the
transfer problem for the specific intensities.
In 1-D geometries one typically considers one angular variable (the polar
angle measured with respect to the normal to the surface), and assumes az-
imuthal symmetry of the radiation field. In that case, one works in terms of
azimuthally-averaged specific intensity. In 1-D plane-parallel geometry, it is
usually sufficient to consider a very small number of polar angles (3 is a typ-
ical value in stellar atmosphere models). However, model atmospheres with
strong irradiation from outside (for instance for very close-in extrasolar giant
planets), and moreover with strongly anisotropic scattering phase function,
require at least several hundred angles (e.g., [19]).
1-D spherical models do typically require more angles that 1-D plane-
parallel models, usually there are roughly as many polar angles as the number
of radial zones. In multi-D transfer problems the number of angles depend on
actual situation; some workers in radiation hydrodynamic models for solar
atmosphere use only O(10) angles (see, e.g. [16]); but most transfer studies
in multi-D consider O(100) to O(10
) angles.
5 General Problem
5.1 State Vector
The state of a radiation-dominated medium, as discussed above, is fully de-
scribed by the following general state vector
ψ = {I(t, r,ν,n),T(t, r),ρ(t, r), v(t, r), [n
(t, r),i =1,NL]}, (15)
where the state parameters are, respectively, the specific intensity of radi-
ation, temperature, density, velocity vector, and the atomic (possibly also