As shown in the figure, hallway networks constitute the core of these databases.
The main entities in this ER diagram are nodes, points, horizontal links, verti-
cal links, entrances/exits, protruding objects, elevators, escalators, stairways,
and POIs. Nodes, in hallway networks, are end points of hallway segments,
horizontal and vertical, and are identified by such attributes as Node_ID, node
type, and turning area. A node is a point with Point_ID, coordinates, and floor.
A series of points (excluding end points) construct the shape of a horizontal
link. A horizontal link (hallway segment) has such attributes as Link_ID, length,
width, hallway type, surface condition, and number of steps. A horizontal link
contains entrance/exit entities with such attributes as automatic, opening force,
weight, and opening width. A horizontal link also contains protruding objects
with height and coordinates. Vertical links include three entities: elevator, es-
calator, and stairways. The elevator entity has such attributes as Node_ID, but-
tons heights, brail buttons, area and floor stops. The escalator entity has such
attributes as step length, step width, and step height. The stairways entity has
such attributes as grab rail, step length, step width, and step height. Points entity
also consists of POIs which has attributes such as POI_ID, name, and category.
POI entity includes three entities: drinking fountain, room, and restroom. The
drinking fountain entity includes such attributes as height, width, and depth.
The room entity contains such attributes as number, area, and surface condition.
The restroom entity contains attributes such as area, lavatory height, lavatory
depth, toilet height, grab bar length, and grab bar height.
While government agencies, non-profit organizations, and commercial companies
collect and provide data for road networks and sidewalk networks that can be used in
outdoor navigation systems/services, there is no specific organization that collects
Fig. 3.2 A building’s layout with routes. a Example layout of a building. b A route in a building
3 Indoor Navigation