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  • добавлен 09 декабря 2016 г.
Алиас или Скажи иначе / Alias (английская версия) ок.3000 слов
4–12 Players
Playing Time: 60 Min
Age: 7+
Alias consists of many cards, each card has 6 words written on it. Each word has a number, from 1 to 8. Words are various - from very easy to very hard. Some are made of several words defining one thing (example: "Silver Medal"). There is also a board with tiles. Each tile is marked with number from 1 to 8.
Alias is played in teams, usually in teams of 2, but more people are also allowed. The "explainer" must change every tu. Each team gets a figure representing them on the board. Their goal is to get through the board. Each time a figure stops one team member must take cards from the pack (not showing it to the other team member(s)) and explain the words on every card that have the same number as the space their figure landed on. The hourglass (also included) is set just before the team member starts explaining the word. (Looking at the first card and thinking about how to explain the word before the time is set is allowed.) The Player must get the other team member to say the word that is written on card by using sentences to describe the word. For example, if the word is "Silver Medal", a player can say "something that a sportsman wins at the Olympic games". But if other team member says just "Medal", it isn't correct. Then the first player must further define what the hint might be. Second player can answer as often as he/she wants until the time runs out. If time runs out or first player accidentally uses the word which is written in card, the team loses a tu. Variations: opposites and/or foreign words are allowed.
В игре «Alias» или «Скажи иначе» нужно объяснить другими словами разгадываемое слово. Игра ведётся на время: чем больше слов сможет отгадать команда, тем больше очков она получит. Во время объяснения слова можно использовать синонимы и антонимы, главное не использовать однокоренные слова. В игре 372 карточки, на которых около 3000 слов и словосочетаний для разгадывания.
Играть можно для удовольствия, а можно и с пользой: помогает изучающим английский язык расширить словарный запас и улучшить устную речь. Игроки могут договориться и объяснять разгадываемые слова на английском языке – это отличный и весёлый способ, который несомненно поможет запомнить слова и преодолеть языковой барьер (боязнь разговаривать по-английски). Количество игроков может быть сколько угодно большим, но рекомендовано до 12 человек.!
Карточки уже подготовлены для ламинации в конвертах формата А4