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  • добавлен 19 июля 2015 г.
Amateur Photographer 2015.08 August 15
Amateur Photographer - еженедельный британский журнал по фотографии. Он информирует о методах и технических средствах работы фотографа и рассказывает о фотографах-профессионалах.
В этом выпуске:
Into the light
Jeremy Walker shows you how to shoot dramatic contre-jour landscapes
Digital Armageddon
Could we be heading into a digital dark age as we face the limited lifespan of storage media? Chris Cheesman investigates
Wildlife watch
The end of summer is a great time to shoot migrating swallows, explains David Tipling
Playing with perspective
Daniel Picard’s Figure Fantasy series imagines pop culture icons in everyday settings. He talks to Jon Stapley
Reader portfolio
Spotlight on readers’ excellent images and how they captured them
Evening class
Martin Evening sorts out your photo-editing and post-processing problems
Canon PowerShot G3 X
Canon’s latest enthusiast CSC offers a compelling combination of a long zoom range and 1in sensor. Andy Westlake tests it out
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 IV
Sony set the bar high with its Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 III, and the RX100 IV promises to be even faster, says Michael Topham
7 days. Inbox. Accessories. Technical Support. Final Analysis