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American Folk Tales
Вlасk Саt, 2003. — 80 pages. — (Green Apple)
Step One (Level: Beginner).
Полный текст аудиозаписи (аудиозапись здесь), цветные иллюстрации, постраничный глоссарий, словарик в картинках, страноведческая информация, разнообразные упражнения с решениями).
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed.
Johnny and his Apple Seeds.
American Food made with Apples.
Apple-Raisin Crumble.
Johnny becomes a Legend.
Young America and its Settlers.
Pecos Bill.
Bill and the Coyotes.
King of the Cowboys.
Life on a Ranch.
The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.
The Tar Baby.
Fox Hunting.
The Briar Patch.
Brer Tales and the South.