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  • добавлен 23 апреля 2014 г.
Ayatollah J. Sobhani. Doctrines of Shi'i Islam: A Compendium of Imami Beliefs and Practices
I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, London, 2001. — 240 p.
Аятолла Дж. Собхани. Вероучения шиитского ислама: имамитские религиозные убеждения и практики (на англ. яз.)
Table of Contents:
Author's Preface.
The Worldview of Islam.
Ways of Acquiring Knowledge in Islam.
Existence from the Islamic Viewpoint.
Man from the Perspective of Islam.
General Beliefs.
The Oneness of God (Tawhíd).
Divine Justice ('Adl).
Prophecy (Nubuwwa).
Imamate (Imama).
The Hereafter (Ma'ad).
Faith, Disbelief and Other Issues.
Faith and Disbelief (ìman wa Kufr).
Innovation (Bid'a).
Dissimulation (Taqiyya).
Resorting to Intermediaries (Tawassul).
Change of Destiny (Bada').
Traditions (Hadíth).
Jurisprudential Reasoning (Ijtihad).
Some Contested Legal Rulings.
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