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Bohn Manfred A., Norbert Eisenreich, Manuela Doerich, Heike Pontius. Characterization of ageing of NC based gun propellants by molar mass degradation of nitrocellulose and its modelling by random chain scission models including the description of the comp
(Манфред А. Бон, Норберт Айзенрайх, Мануэла Дерих, Хайке Понтиус. Характеристика старения нитроцеллюлозных порохов по механизму деградации молекулярной массы нитроцеллюлозы. Моделирование случайных разрывов цепи с оценкой молярных функций распределения массы).
Scientific paper. Document in pdf-format. 2012. – 29 p.
An example is presented of the ageing of a gun propellants (GP) followed by molar mass decrease of the nitrocellulose (NC). Paper presented on the 5th Inteational Nitrocellulose Symposium, April 17-18, 2012, in Spiez, Switzerland.
Theory and description of the model.
Application with simulating distribution functions.
Application with measured molar mass distribution of NC.
Experimental data.
Molar mass distribution functions related to different quantities.
Application of the new random scission model to experimental data.
Summary and conclusions.