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  • добавлен 20 ноября 2012 г.
Busch D.D., Simon D. David Busch's Olympus E-5 Guide to Digital SLR Photography
Course Technology PTR, 2011. - 369 pages. На англ языке. Руководство по работе с профессиональной фотокамерой Olympus E-5 от автора самых продаваемых в мире книг по фотографии David D. Busch.
The Olympus E-5 is one of the most exciting compact interchangeable lens digital cameras on the market. It boasts 12 megapixels of resolution, an array of powerful, versatile lenses, and enough sophisticated features and customization options to please the most dedicated photographer, amateur or professional. As the owner of an Olympus E-5, you demand the ability to take outstanding pictures with your new camera.