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  • добавлен 25 апреля 2013 г.
Chaucer Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales
Level: Pre-intermediate. Text adaptation, notes and activities by Derek Sellen. Additional activities by Rebecca Raynes.
Exam Preparation: FCE (B2). Grade 7
Книга (115 c.) с полным текстом аудиозаписи, множеством цветных иллюстраций, в том числе фотографий, упражнений (с ответами) и дополнительными материалами по страноведению (The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer; Chaucer's World; Chronology of Geoffrey and his Times; Thomas Becket; The City of Canterbury; The Canterbury Tales).
- The Prologue
- The Knight's Tale
- The Nun's Priest's Tale
- The Pardoner's Tale
- The Wife of Bath's Tale
- The Franklin's Tale
‘In April when the sweet showers fall, then people want
to go on pilgrimages.’ A group of pilgrims travelling from
London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury
decide that each traveller should tell a story.
A selection of stories from Chaucer’s masterpiece depicting
life in fourteenth-century England is presented here in
mode English.
Accessible adaptation at pre-intermediate level
Wide range of activities covering the four skills
FCE-style exercises
Trinity-style exercises (Grade 7)
Inteet Project
Dossiers on Chaucer and his Times, Thomas Becket,
The City of Canterbury and The Canterbury Tales
Exit Test with answer key
Full recording of the text