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Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 05 октября 2011 г.
Chiellini E., Gil H., Braunegg G., Buchert J., Gatenholm P., van der Zee M. (Eds.) Biorelated Polymers: Sustainable Polymer Science and Technology
Springer, 2001, 407 pages

This book includes papers on polymeric materials from renewable resources known as `Biorelated Polymers and Plastics', and issues are bound to their utilization and environmental impact in their production, conversions to manufacts and ultimate disposal of post-costume manufacts. Mode industrial developments inspired by the new concepts of sustainability and ecocompatibility require a deeper attention to renewable resources as a new-old source of raw material and feedback.

Biopolymers and Renewable Resources
Biopolymer Technology and Applications
(Bio)Synthesis and Modifications
Material Testing and Analytical Methods
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