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  • добавлен 09 июля 2016 г.
Cole Alan. Text as Father: Paternal Seductions in Early Mahayana Buddhist Literature
Berkeley—Los Angeles—London: University of Califoia Press, 2005. — 356 p.
Коул Алан. Текст как отец: отцовские соблазны в буддийской литературе ранней Махаяны (на англ. яз.)
Text as Father.
Who’s Your Daddy Now? Reissued Pateity in the Lotus Sutra.
The Domino Effect: Everyone and His Brother Convert to the Lotus Sutra.
“Be All You Can’t Be” and Other Gainful Losses in the Diamond Sutra.
Sameness with a Difference in the Tathagatagarbha Sutra.
Vimalakirti, or Why Bad Boys Finish First.
Conclusion: A Cavalier Attitude toward Truth-Fathers.