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  • добавлен 09 сентября 2011 г.
Cordell G.A. (ed.) Alkaloids. Chemistry and Biology. V. 52
Academic Press. 1999. 403 p.

During the preparation of this volume of The Alkaloids: Chemistry and
Biology, the death was announced of the Nobel Laureate, Sir Derek H. R.
Barton, at the age of
79. A consummately dedicated natural product chemist,
Barton contributed in many ways to the development of alkaloid chemistry.
He was a founder of the concepts we now take for granted regarding
the conformational analysis of polycyclic ring systems. His ideas about
the biosynthesis of particular alkaloid groups, notably the importance of
phenolic coupling reactions in isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis, were followed
by some of the first biosynthetic experiments in plants testing his
hypotheses. Undoubtedly, his legendary creativity will stand the test of time.
In Chapter 1 of this volume, Gunatilaka, a former Ph.D. student of
Barton, reviews the work that has been conducted on the rich flora of Sri
Lanka for alkaloids. The chemical diversity of the alkaloids is profound
and is reflected in the biology associated with them.
In Chapter 2, Lounasmaa, Hanhinen, and Westersund present an extensive
review of the isolation, spectroscopic characterization, and syntheses
that have been conducted in the past 30 years on the sarpagine group of
alkaloids. Revised concepts regarding the biogenesis of these alkaloids
are discussed.
The recent substantial interest in ibogaine and its derivatives as potential
anti-addictive agents is reviewed in Chapter 3 by Popik and Skolnick from
the biochemical and pharmacological perspectives.
Chapter 4 offers an overview of the steroidal alkaloids from marine
organisms by Atta-ur-Rahman and Choudhary. In addition to their unique
sources and challenging structures, several of these alkaloids are currently
of substantial biological interest.
In the final chapter, an update is presented of a review that I prepared
almost 24 years ago on the substantial progress made regarding the isolation,
systhesis, and biological activities of the monoterpene alkaloids.


Alkaloids from Sri Lankan Flora
The Sarpagine Group of Indole Alkaloids
Pharmacology of Ibogaine and Ibogaine-Related Alkaloids
Chemistry and Biology of Steroidal Alkaloids from Marine Organisms
The Monoterpene Akaloids
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