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Dawson Thomas Rayner. Five classics of Fairy Chess
New York, Dover Publication inc., 1973, 91 pp. ISBN 0-486-22910-6
Классический труд "отца сказочных шахмат" Томаса Райнера Доусона. (1889 -- 1951 гг.). Труд этот определил развитие нетрадиционных жанров шахматной композиции в XX в.
T. R. Dawson, one of the great early Fairy Chess problem composers, wrote five books in the C. M. Fox series on Fairy Chess. Dover Publications brought all five titles together in one volume, called Five Classics of Fairy Chess.
The separate titles that were bundled are:
Caissa's Wild Roses
C. M. Fox, His problems
Caissa's Wild Roses in Clusters
Ultimate Themes
Caissa's Fairy Tales
The books were originally published in 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1947. The total number of pages of the books in 145. The books contain many fairy chess problems, in the first, second and third book treated in a methodical way; in the last with some amusing stories attached to them. The fourth book contains mainly `task problems', e.g., a mate in two problem with 18 different mates after one answer to the key move; or a position with a maximum number of legal moves possible. The second book is dedicated to problems of C. M. Fox.