• формат doc
  • размер 194,09 КБ
  • добавлен 05 мая 2014 г.
Державний іспит з англійської мови (усні теми)
КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка (магістратура), Києв, 2014 рік, 17 стр.
Список розмовних тем:
The linguistic future of the Inteet
Conceptualization of work in the past and in the present
The English National Character
The Destiny of Artificial Intelligence
Future of the networked
Our secret indoor ecosystems
E-mail style
Mythology of science
Languages are not exclusively about communication
Work: its meaning & values
The future of jobs
Language & communication, culture: The British pub as the heart of the community
The concept of gentleman
Language&communication, culture: Framing political message with grammar and metaphor
Technology appeals to our self-importance