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  • добавлен 01 мая 2016 г.
Duke D.J. Aka as a Contact Language: Sociolinguistic and Grammatical Evidence
Arlington: the University of Texas, 2001. — 171 p.
Дьюк Д. Дж. Язык ака в роли контактного: социолингвистический и грамматический аспект (на англ. яз.)
Literature Review.
Linguistic Evidence.
Sociolinguistic Evidence.
Aka, also known as Yaka or Beka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo, along the Ubangi River dividing the two countries.
It is spoken by the Aka people, Pygmies closely related to the Ubangian-speaking Baka of Cameroon, Congo, and Gabon. Together, these peoples are known as the Mbenga (Bambenga) or Binga (Babinga), the latter derogatory.