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  • добавлен 21 февраля 2011 г.
Edwart Tufte. Beautiful Evidence. (RAR part1)

Mapped pictures: images as evidence and explanation.
Sparklines: intense, simple, word-sized graphics.
Links and causal arrows: ambiguity in action.
Words, numbers, images - together.
the fundamental principles of analytical design.
Corruption in evidence presentations: effects without causes, cherry picking, overreaching, chartjunk, and the rage to conclude.
The cognitive style of PowerPoint: pitching out corrupts within.
Sculptural pedestals: meaning, practice, depedestalization.
Landscape sculptures.

Книга в высоком качестве, поэтому пришлось выкладывать ее в двух частях архива.
Часть 2.
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