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  • добавлен 06 января 2010 г.
Фейнман Р., Лейтон Р., Сэндс М. Фейнмановские лекции по физике. Том 1. В основном механика, излучение и тепло. (на англ.яз.)
Издательство Addison-Wesley, 1964, под ред. Ричарда Фейнмана, Роберта Лейтона, Матх Сандс, 513 с. , с иллюстрациями.

Feynman Richard. The Feynman Lectures on physics. Volume 1 "Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat". Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1964. Edited by Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands. 513 p. OCR. Illustrated.

These are the lectures in physics that Feynman gave in 1962 and 1961 to the freshman and sophomore classes at Caltech. The lectures are, of course, not verbatim—they have been edited, sometimes extensively and sometimes less so. The lectures form only part of the complete course. The whole group of 180 students gathered in a big lecture room twice a week to hear these lectures and then they broke up into small groups of 15 to 20 students in recitation sections under the guidance of a teaching assistant. In addition, there was a laboratory session once a week.

Это лекции по физике, которые Фейнман читал в 1962 и 1961 году студентам первого и второго курса в университете Калтеч. Лекции, конечно, не сохранились в исходном виде - они были отредактированы, иногда заметно и иногда менее. Лекции являются только частью полного курса. Все сто восемдесят студентов собирались в большом лекционном зале дважды в неделю слушать эти лекции и затем собирались маленькими группами по пятнадцать или двадцать студентов для повторения пройденного под руководством помощника учителя. Также проводились лабораторные раз в неделю.


Atoms in Motion: - Introduction - Matter is made of atoms - Atomic processes - Chemical reactions
Basic Physics: - Introduction - Physics before - Quantum physics - Nuclei and particles
The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences: - Introduction - Chemistry - Biology - Astronomy - Geology - Psychology - How did it get that way?
Conservation of Energy: - What is energy? - Gravitational potential energy - Kinetic energy - Other forms of energy
Time and Distance: - Motion - Time - Short times - Long times - Units and standards of time - Large distances - Short distances
Probability: - Chance and likelihood - Fluctuations - The random walk - A probability distribution - The uncertainty principle
The Theory of Gravitation: - Planetary motions - Kepler's laws - Development of dynamics - Newton's law of gravitation - Universal gravitation - Cavendish's experiment - What is gravity? - Gravity and relativity
Motion: - Description of motion - Speed - Speed as a derivative - Distance as an integral - Acceleration
Newton's Laws of Dynamics: - Momentum and force - Speed and velocity - Components of velocity, acceleration, and force - What is the force? - Meaning of the dynamical equations - Numerical solution of the equations - Planetary motions
Conservation of Momentum: - Newton's Third Law - Conservation of momentum - Momentum is conserved! - Momentum and energy - Relativistic momentum
Vectors: - Symmetry in physics - Translations - Rotations - Vectors - Vector algebra - Newton's laws in vector notation - Scalar product of vectors
Characteristics of Force: - What is a force? - Friction - Molecular forces - Fundamental forces. Fields - Pseudo forces - Nuclear forces
Work and Potential Energy (A): - Energy of a falling body - Work done by gravity - Summation of energy - Gravitational field of large objects
Work and Potential Energy (conclusion): - Work - Constrained motion - Conservative forces - Nonconservative forces - Potentials and fields
The Special Theory of Relativity: - The principle of relativity - The Lorentz transformation - The Michelson-Morley experiment - Transformation of time - The Lorentz contraction - Simultaneity - Four-vectors - Relativistic dynamics - Equivalence of mass and energy
Relativistic Energy and Momentum: - Relativity and the philosophers - The twin paradox - Transformation of velocities - Relativistic mass - Relativistic energy
Space-Time: - The geometry of space-time - Space-time intervals - Past, present, and future - More about four-vectors - Four-vector algebra
Rotation in Two Dimensions: - The center of mass - Rotation of a rigid body - Angular momentum - Conservation of angular momentum
Center of Mass; Moment of Inertia: - Properties of the center of mass - Locating the center of mass - Finding the moment of inertia - Rotational kinetic energy
Rotation in Space: - Torques in three dimensions - The rotation equations using cross products - The gyroscope - Angular momentum of a solid body
The Harmonic Oscillator: - Linear differential equations - The harmonic oscillator - Harmonic motion and circular motion - Initial conditions - Forced oscillations
Algebra: - Addition and multiplication - The inverse operations - Abstraction and generalization - Approximating irrational numbers - Complex numbers - Imaginary exponents
Resonance: - Complex numbers and harmonic motion - The forced oscillator with damping - Electrical resonance - Resonance in nature
Transients: - The energy of an oscillator - Damped oscillations - Electrical transients
Linear Systems and Review: - Linear differential equations - Superposition of solutions - Oscillations in linear systems - Analogs in physics - Series and parallel impedances
Optics: The Principle of Least Time: - Light - Reflection and refraction - Fermat's principle of least time - Applications of Fermat's principle - A more precise statement of Fermat's principle - How it works
Geometrical Optics: - Introduction - The focal length of a spherical surface - The focal length of a lens - Magnification - Compound lenses - Aberrations - Resolving power
Electromagnetic Radiation: - Electromagnetism - Radiation - The dipole radiator - Interference
Interference: - Electromagnetic waves - Energy of radiation - Sinusoidal waves - Two dipole radiators - The mathematics of interference
Diffraction: - The resultant amplitude due to n equal oscillators - The diffraction grating - Resolving power of a grating - The parabolic antenna - Colored films; crystals - Diffraction by opaque screens - The field of a plane of oscillating charges
The Origin of the Refractive Index: - The index of refraction - The field due to the material - Dispersion - Absorption - The energy carried by an electric wave - Diffraction of light by a screen
Radiation Damping. Light Scattering: - Radiation resistance - The rate of radiation of energy - Radiation damping - Independent sources - Scattering of light
Polarization: - The electric vector of light - Polarization of scattered light - Birefringence - Polarizers - Optical activity - The intensity of reflected light - Anomalous refraction
Relativistic Effects in Radiation: - Moving sources - Finding the "apparent" motion- Synchrotron radiation - Cosmic synchrotron radiation - Bremsstrahlung - The Doppler effect - The co, k four-vector - Aberration - The momentum of light
Color Vision: - The human eye - Color depends on intensity - Measuring the color sensation - The chromaticity diagram - The mechanism of color vision - Physiochemistry of color vision
Mechanisms of Seeing: - The sensation of color - The physiology of the eye - The rod cells - The compound (insect) eye, - Other eyes - Neurology of vision
Quantum Behavior: - Atomic mechanics - An experiment with bullets - An experiment with waves - An experiment with electrons - The interference of electron waves - Watching the electrons - First principles of quantum mechanics - The uncertainty principle
The Relation of Wave and Particle Viewpoints: - Probability wave amplitudes - Measurement of position and momentum - Crystal diffraction - The size of an atom - Energy levels - Philosophical implications
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: - Properties of matter - The pressure of a gas - Compressibility of radiation - Temperature and kinetic energy - The ideal gas law
The Principles of Statistical Mechanics: - The exponential atmosphere - The Boltzmann law - Evaporation of a liquid - The distribution of molecular speeds - The specific heats of gases - The failure of classical physics
The Brownian Movement: - Equipartition of energy - Thermal equilibrium of radiation - Equipartition and the quantum oscillator - The random walk
Applications of Kinetic Theory: - Evaporation - Thermionic emission - Thermal ionization - Chemical kinetics - Einstein's laws of radiation
Diffusion: - Collisions between molecules - The mean free path - The drift speed - Ionic conductivity - Molecular diffusion - Thermal conductivity
The Laws of Thermodynamics: - Heat engines; the first law - The second law - Reversible engines - The efficiency of an ideal engine - The thermodynamic temperature - Entropy
Illustrations of Thermodynamics: - Inteal energy - Applications - The Clausius-Clapeyron equation
The Relation of Wave and Particle: Viewpoints - Probability wave amplitudes - Measurement of position and momentum - Crystal diffraction - The size of an atom
Ratchet and Pawl: - How a ratchet works - The ratchet as an engine - Reversibility in mechanics - Irreversibility - Order and entropy
Sound. The Wave Equation: - Waves - The propagation of sound - The wave equation - Solutions of the wave equation - The speed of sound
Beats: - Adding two waves - Beat notes and modulation - Side bands - Localized wave trains - Probability amplitudes for particles - Waves in three dimensions - Normal modes
Modes: - The reflection of waves - Confined waves, with natural frequencies - Modes in two dimensions - Coupled pendulums - Linear systems
Harmonics: - Musical tones - The Fourier series - Quality and consonance - The Fourier coefficients - The energy theorem - Nonlinear responses
Waves: - Bow waves - Shock waves - Waves in solids - Surface waves
Symmetry in Physical Laws: - Symmetry operations - Symmetry in space and time - Symmetry and conservation laws - Mirror reflections - Polar and axial vectors - Which hand is right? - Parity is not conserved! - Antimatter - Broken symmetries

1. В основном механика, излучение и тепло.

2. В основном электромагнетизм и вещество.
3. Квантовая механика.

дополнительные сведения
OCR - текст распознанный, возможен полнотекстовый поиск.
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Издательство Addison-Wesley, 1964, под ред. Ричарда Фейнмана, Роберта Лейтона, Матх Сандс, 536 с. , OCR, с иллюстрациями. Feynman Richard. The Feynman Lectures on physics. Volume 2 "Mainly electromagnetism and matter". Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1964. Edited by Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands. 536 p. OCR. Illustrated. These are the lectures in physics that Feynman gave in 1962 and 1961 to the freshman and sopho...

Фейнман Р., Лейтон Р., Сэндс М. Фейнмановские лекции по физике. Том 3. Квантовая механика. (на англ.яз.)

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  • размер 3.84 МБ
  • добавлен 06 января 2010 г.
Издательство Addison-Wesley, 1964, под ред. Ричарда Фейнмана, Роберта Лейтона, Матх Сандс, 327 с. , OCR, с иллюстрациями. Feynman Richard. The Feynman Lectures on physics. Volume 3 "Quantum mechanics". Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1964. Edited by Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands. 327 p. OCR. Illustrated. These are the lectures in physics that Feynman gave in 1962 and 1961 to the freshman and sophomore classes at C...