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  • добавлен 17 мая 2011 г.
Гаспарян Гаянэ (Gayane Gasparyan). British Studies (a course of lectures)
Yerevan - 2001. 187 pages.
The United Kingdom is an island state separated from the continent by a narrow stretch of water, which helped shape the history and character of the British people. It helped protect Britain from invasion and gave the people a feeling of security. After the Norman conquest in 1066 no enemy even again crossed the chanel and invaded the country.
Cut off the rest of Europe by the sea, and secure from invasion, the British developed their own way of life together with habits and customs. They came to respect privacy and to value old traditions. They developed a love for personal freedom, and a high degree of self-criticism and have shown themselves at their best - brave and united - in times of crises.