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  • добавлен 30 марта 2010 г.
Green James Harry. The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications
McGraw-Hill, 2006, 792 p. 5th Edition
Руководство по телекоммуникации. Язык – английский.
This book is intended to be an introduction to telecommunications. No previous technical knowledge is assumed, so it starts with the basics and builds to a level that a technically informed professional needs to understand. The audience is assumed to be involved in enterprise telecom management, but many other professions will find it equally useful. Sales and marketing people, product managers, and even system developers should find it useful in seeing how their products fit into the whole. Several colleges and universities have used previous editions as a text. An instructor’s manual for this edition is available through normal university channels.
The book is divided into five parts, as were previous editions, corresponding to major divisions in telecommunications equipment.
Chapter One is an introduction to voice and data. The remainder of Part One is devoted to concepts that
are common to the industry. In Part One, we discuss voice and data fundamentals, pulse code modulation, outside plant, structured wiring, access technologies, local area network principles, and the other building blocks of telecommunication networks.
Part Two covers switching. The part begins with a discussion of signaling, including new protocols Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and ENUM, which are new since the last edition, and hold considerable promise for the future. A chapter on the public switched telephone network follows, discussing how it works and the quality requirements that IP must achieve to support voice. Two chapters follow to explain in overview how local and toll switches and integrated services digital network (ISDN) function. Circuit switching has been at the heart of the telephone industry for more than a century and retains stability and service quality that packet technologies cannot yet provide. We devote a chapter to it. Part Two ends with a discussion of softswitches, which are a new generation of IP
switches that serve advanced IP networks.
Part Three covers transmission equipment. Separate chapters discuss the fundamental technologies of fiber optics, microwave radio, satellite transmission, cellular and PCS radio systems, wireless, and video. Fiber lies at the heart of the telecommunications infrastructure and is arguably the most important development in the industry’s history. It displaced long-haul microwave, but that technology is becoming more important than ever with an emphasis on communications mobility. Customer demand is fueling a host of new wireless services and protocols that operate in the microwave bands and are receiving a great deal of attention. Video is also becoming a vital Inteet access service, and more. The new hybrid fiber-coaxial cable architecture enables cable to compete with the conventional telephone system.
Part Four discusses customer premise equipment. As with the public telephone network, customer premise switching is evolving to IP. We begin this part with a discussion of station equipment, followed by a chapter that discusses features thatcustomer premise switching equipment supports. Chapters follow on conventional digital switching and the newer IP switching. We next discuss automatic media
distribution systems, which are evolving from the older automatic call distribution systems. These respond to customer demands for contact alteatives besides the telephone. Other chapters discuss voice processing, electronic messaging, and facsimile.
Part Five pulls together the building blocks we have discussed in the earlier chapters into completed and functioning telecommunications networks. This part illustrates the tremendous variety of alteatives that are available and discusses how and where they are applied. We begin this part with the discussion of enterprise networks, which is a blanket term covering the networks organizations use to link the enterprise. Following that, other chapters cover metropolitan area networks, wide area data networks, frame relay, asynchronous transfer mode, and IP data networks. The IP chapter discusses multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), which is evolving into a platform for handling multimedia applications over IP
networks. We discuss testing and network management systems and how they are evolving to enable humans to cope with the increasing complexity of mode networks. The final chapter in the book looks ahead a few years with a view of where telecommunications technology is headed.
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